Badges for people and stickers for vehicles

Access to the establishment for vehicles and people is regulated and controlled using badges (for people) and stickers (for vehicles).

These badges and stickers are valid for one school year.

In order not to waste time at the start of the school year, we ask you to send us your requests for badges and stickers from June by email to
Personal vehicle

Car sticker request (form)
To access the indoor car park, vehicle drivers must request a badge.
Access badge request (form)
The parking access badge is reserved for vehicle drivers (drivers, parents), the establishment access badges are reserved for people who come to pick up and/or drop off a child in kindergarten (parents, nannies, drivers)

Each bus must have a parent who will be responsible for establishing the link between the establishment and the structure that commissions the bus (corresponding parent).
No bus will be able to access the establishment's car park without the presence of an accompanying adult in addition to the driver.
This attendant does not need an access badge unless he or she has to drop off children at nursery school.

Bus driver access badge request (form)
Bus sticker request (form)
Kindergarten access

Request for access badge to parking lots and the establishment (form)
Establishment access badges are reserved for people who pick up and/or drop off a child in kindergarten (parents, nannies, drivers)


Badges & Stickers


966 (0) 920 00 83 22
