Down syndrome awareness week

À l’occasion de la journée mondiale de la trisomie 21, l’EFIR organise une semaine d’activités du 17 au 21 mars, destinées à sensibiliser nos enfants à la trisomie 21 et à l’importance de l’inclusion.Depuis son officialisation par l’OMS et l’ONU, cette journée encourage à bâtir une société où chaque différence est valorisée. Cette date symbolique […]

ADN-AEFE school exchange

first return of one of our students as part of the ADN-AEFE school exchange program offered to 2nd year students by the Agora platform. Implemented for the first time at EFIR this year, it allowed Aboubacr to continue his education for a month at the Descartes high school in Rabat, Morocco. And […]

100 days of school in kindergarten

Celebrating 100 days of school in kindergarten! Since the start of the school year in September, GS students have been practicing counting to 100, with the 100th day of school being dedicated to verifying this knowledge. A ritual that all the students love and which also gives the opportunity to organize a very nice party around the number 100.

Fight against school bullying

Harassment at school takes various forms: verbal, psychological, physical violence. It is a scourge that affects hundreds of thousands of students each year, sometimes with dramatic consequences. The 5th A students worked on the subject, and responded in an artistic way to various questions in the form of a […]

Trip to the zoo

CE2 students visited the Riyadh zoo. The objective was to discover the great diversity of animals that populate our planet, raise children's awareness of the preservation of animal species, develop their curiosity and also teach them to adapt to a different environment.

Biennial Diriyah release

Des élèves du collège et du lycée de l’EFIR visitent actuellement la deuxième Biennale d’art contemporain de Diriyah. Cette exposition réunit plus de 100 artistes venant de 40 pays différents, présentant leurs œuvres. Le thème central de cette Biennale met en avant le renouveau, le rajeunissement et la redynamisation.

Football tournament

The high school football final pitted the senior class B against the senior class A. At the end of a tough and committed match, the senior year B team won this tournament following the penalty shootout. This was followed by the traditional presentation of medals in the presence of the president of the council […]

Olympic week

Nos élèves ont brillamment simulé la cérémonie d’ouverture des Jeux olympiques en formant des délégations représentant chaque pays. De l’excitation dans l’air, des drapeaux qui flottent et une atmosphère de célébration de l’unité mondiale à travers le sport a fait vibrer notre école pendant plusieurs jours.

Support for EDD referents

Support for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) referents in the MO Zone – 2023: Our 4 ESD referents from Efir attended training in Cairo in order to develop a collective of EDD referents, a resource group, and network in the zone. As resource personnel and […]
