Picture of M. Talal EL KHATIB


President of the CDG

Picture of M. Davy Chauvet

Mr. Davy Chauvet

Vice-President of the CDG

Picture of Mme. Dania Mohty

Ms. Dania Mohty

Picture of M. Jade Hantouche

Mr. Jade Hantouche

Picture of M. Redouane Ladjal

Mr. Redouane Ladjal

The parents of students at the French International School of RIYADH have formed a group. This group aims to:

  • to ensure the management and development of an establishment which complies with the standards and methods officially in force in France, while meeting the particular needs of the French and foreign students who attend it;
  • to maintain close collaboration between the parents of students, on the one hand, and the management and teaching staff of the school, on the other hand, in order to guarantee the level of education provided by the establishment;
  • to promote all cultural, recreational and extracurricular activities capable of complementing the teaching given by the school.

The group is placed under the supervision of the French Ambassador in Riyadh, known as the “supervisory authority” as representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic.

The group does not pursue any profit-making goals and chooses its domicile at the school. It has an indefinite duration.

The general assembly of the parents' group elects the management consultancy.

  • The Management Board regulates through its deliberations the financial affairs of the establishment in compliance with these statutes.
  • The Management Council is responsible, under the control of the supervisory authority, for all acts likely to ensure the existence, security and continuity of the proper functioning of the establishment.
  • The management of current scheduling and order operations can be largely delegated to the Principal and the accounting manager when the latter is appointed by the AEFE.

The Management Board has full responsibility in financial matters. In particular, it is responsible for:

  • Recruitment of staff under local contract on the proposal of the recruitment commission;
  • Rental of premises for academic and extracurricular purposes;
  • The commitment/scheduling, payment and control of all investment works.

The President, the Treasurer and the Accounting Manager report on their activity and their decisions, and in particular on the execution of the budget during each Assembly.


Role of the management council
  • The Management Board regulates through its deliberations the financial affairs of the establishment in compliance with these statutes.
  • The Management Council is responsible, under the control of the supervisory authority, for all acts likely to ensure the existence, security and continuity of the proper functioning of the establishment.
  • The management of current scheduling and order operations can be largely delegated to the Principal and the accounting manager when the latter is appointed by the AEFE.

The Management Board has full responsibility in financial matters. In particular, it is responsible for:

  • Recruitment of staff under local contract on the proposal of the recruitment commission;
  • Rental of premises for academic and extracurricular purposes;
  • The commitment/scheduling, payment and control of all investment works.

The President, the Treasurer and the Accounting Manager report on their activity and their decisions, and in particular on the execution of the budget during each Assembly.

Together for excellence at EFIR – Mr. El Khatib

1 Mr. Talal El Khatib – 2 Ms. Dania Mohty – 3 Mr. Davy Jean-Pierre Chauvet – 4 Mr. Abderrahmane Kettani – 5 Mr. Abdelaziz Ouhmid – 6 Mr. Redouane Ladjal – 7 Mr. Omar Boutahar – 8 Mr. Ahmed Laslah – 9 Mr. Karim Bachite


Badges & Stickers


966 (0) 920 00 83 22

